Mar 29, 2012

4-Hers ham it up during Pickle Power, a decision making activity at 4-H Club Day on Feb. 25. The 4-Hers choose from several difficult situations (someone is in a “pickle”), then talk to a moderator about what they would do to get out of that situation. It is a fun event and the kids get a pickle for their efforts, according to event leader Nancy Pihl. Pictured are (from left) Landon Roberts, Charlie Peters and Morgan Gaines.

So proud of my parents

Jon Wolf, retired professor of horse science at Black Hawk College East Campus, third from left, was inducted into the Black Hawk College East Foundation Wall of Fame at a ceremony Tuesday. His portrait, center, was unveiled as the latest addition to the display. From left are Black Hawk College President Dr. Thomas Baynum; Wolf’s wife, Jane; Steve Spivey, president of the foundation, presenting Wolf with a recognition plaque; Chanda Dowell, vice president for the East Campus; and Liz Breedlove, executive director of the foundation.

Mar 18, 2012


While helping Ryan load the drill, I decided I needed to take this picture.  Isn't that the prettiest K-State purple alfalfa seed you have ever seen? 

Mar 17, 2012

Livestock Judging

Livestock Judging at the Newton Invitational is always a great experience. But, it is usually cold.  Charlie did quite a little walking that day.  He consumed about two cups of hot chocolate and judged as fast as he could!

Smokey Quartz

We went on a rock hunt for the mineral smokey quartz. We were successful in finding what we wanted.  The kids really got into looking for it once they figured out what it was and how to find it.

A sample of our smokey quartz.